My name is Kevin Stockton and my call sign is N5DX/ZF2DX. I began amateur radio and contesting at the age of 13 with the support and encouragement from my dad, K5GO. The world of ham radio has given me many opportunities To accomplish goals and meet new friends. Many of these accomplishments are directly related to the skills and ingenuity necessary to build and maintain a multi operator contest station. With the help of many friends the K5GO/N5DX contest station has built some of the largest amateur radio antennas in the world. The largest of these antennas being a full size rotatable 5 element 40 meter Yagi on a 90 foot long boom. Our contesting crew has worked hard and we were rewarded in the 2011 CQWW CW contest with amazing conditions and a first place finish in the Multi Single high power category for the U.S. Our contest success continued, and in 2012 I was able to win the SOAB HP category for the U.S. in the WPX SSB contest. I recently had the opportunity to operate the 2013 WPX CW contest as a single operator from the amazing QTH of Pat, W5WMU, in Maine. Meeting and getting to know Pat was just as big a thrill as hearing the booming signals pounding in from Europe. In November, I returned to the easternmost town in the U.S. with K5GO, and Erik, N5WR, in tow. Along with W5WMU we won the multi single high power category for the U.S. in the 2013 CQWW CW contest. What great fun to feast on lobster and Cajun cooking while racking up big rate and score along the Maine coast.

In 2010 ham radio presented a new opportunity and my father and I began the company Cycle 24 Antenna Products. Shortly after our company began we partnered with Scott, WU2X, to design and build the TX38 Triband Yagi antenna for WRTC 2014. Sixty-five TX38 antennas were hand built and preassembled by K5GO and N5DX for the WRTC 2014 event. Building each of those antennas was a lot of time, hard work, and sometimes frustration. Sharing those moments with my father is something that will always be very special for me.
In January of 2014 I accepted a job offer in the Cayman Islands. The Cayman Islands are known for their tropical climate, white sugary beaches, and diverse marine life. But to me they are known as a contesters paradise with loud signals and a nonstop rate fest. I’m looking forward to operating contests and running DX pileups for at the next two years as ZF2DX.
I try to update LOTW and Club Log at least once a month. Please send all QSL requests to K0DEQ.